• John M'Kenzie

    The Life And Testimony Of John M’Kenzie

    My dear Friend,—I take up my pen to write you some account of the last days of our dear departed friend and brother, John M'Kenzie, believing that to you and many of the readers of the Gospel Standard it will be interesting. As you are fully aware of the nature of his complaint, (bleeding from the lungs,) I shall confine myself to his last attack; and to a few gleanings of the words which fell from his lips. He left Darley Dale, Derbyshire, on Wednesday, the 25th of July, and arrived at Preston the same evening, having travelled about seventy miles. He stood his journey remarkably well, and conversed freely during the evening, expressing thankfulness that he had safely arrived at Preston, his friends remarking…

  • Edman Forman

    The Life And Testimony Of Edman Forman

    Our divine Lord and Master continues to thin the ranks of His servants—His beloved Messengers, by calling them to Himself. It must be a source of more than ordinary grief when a loving Christian minister is removed from his flock by death; and especially so when a close, spiritual relationship has existed between them for many years, as in the case of our dear departed brother, Mr. E. Forman, pastor of Providence Chapel, March, who entered his eternal rest, after a painful illness, on Monday morning, August 1, 1887, at the age of 73. Our late brother’s occasional visits to the Metropolis and its suburbs were always acceptable, and whenever we were privileged to listen to his voice, we invariably found his ministrations and conversation…

  • John Shaw

    The Life And Ministry Of John Shaw

    As Mr. John Shaw, late of Nateby, near Garstang, was well known to many of God's family, the following short narrative of part of his life and latter end may be interesting to those who knew him; and it may not be uninteresting to others, as he is another striking instance of God's wisdom confounding the wisdom of this world by foolish things, weak things, base things, and despised things, but things which God hath chosen to bring to nought things that are, that no flesh should glory in his presence. (1 Cor. 1:27,28.) He was a plain, unlettered, country farmer; so much so, that he could not read many passages in the Bible properly; and if the success of his ministry, and power of…

  • George Stocker

    The Life And Ministry Of George Stocker

    Died, on the 20th September, 1839, Mr. George Stocker, aged seventy years, deacon of the Baptist church of Christ, meeting in Providence chapel, Bedford. By his death his wife has lost a good husband, his children an affectionate father, and the church a sincere friend. But shall we murmur? No! Let us rather be still, and know that He whom we profess to serve is God; he has done that which is perfectly right; he has removed this lily from the garden of grace here below to the paradise of glory above, where it will ever bloom with unfaded beauty. Our loss is his eternal gain. He is now for ever free from sin, which was once his daily burden; he has got beyond the…

  • Mary Wild

    The Life And Testimony Of Mary Wild

    Mary Wild was the only daughter (though there were many sons) of godly parents, both of whom I well knew, not only as being attached hearers of mine during the time of my residence in Wilts, but from personal intercourse, especially with her mother in my subsequent visits, as her father was taken out of this world of sin and sorrow as far back as 1837. The Experience Of Mary Wild’s Parents As no memorial has ever appeared of them, though better worthy of it than many, I shall from some memoranda which have lately been put into my hands written by the deceased, as well as from my personal recollections, give a little account of this godly couple, as a kind of introduction to…