The Life And Ministry Of John MacGowan
John MacGowan (1726–1780), baptist minister, was born in 1726 at Edinburgh. After receiving a good education, he was apprenticed to a weaver. He subsequently settled in Bridge Street, Warrington, as a baker. He had early become a Wesleyan, and now joined the methodist movement as a preacher. At a later period he was attracted by the independents, but finally joined the particular baptists. He ministered at the old baptist chapel at Hill Cliff, near Warrington, and afterwards at Bridgnorth (Notes and Queries, 5th ser. vii. 75).
The Life And Testimony Of John MacGowan
Mr. John MacGowan, known to the world as the author of ‘Dialogues of Devils,’ and other ingenious works, was a Baptist minister, and pastor of the church meeting in Devonshire-square, London. In the early part of his life he was in connection with the Wesleyan Methodists, but after his mind was enlightened to see the glory of sovereign grace, he zealously and publicly preached all those important truths which the Particular Baptists at that time steadily maintained. [Mr. Macgowan’s views of the distinguishing doctrines of the gospel may be collected from the following pathetic lines, which he composed on the death of Dr. Gill. I quote them with much approbation, excepting the allusion to Elijah and Elisha, which appears to savour too much of the…
The Life And Testimony Of Susannah Kilham
Mrs. K. was born at Hales Hall, a farm-house, in the parish of Loddon, Norfolk. Her father occupied that farm above 30 years, and was, during that period, the churchwarden of the parish. He had a large family, who were all brought up morally, and were regular in their attendance at the parish church, which was two miles distant from the house. Mrs. K. had early a contemplative mind, and, dwelling in the country, meditated much on the works of creation and providence, read her Bible much, as she had been taught by her parents, and walked very circumspectly, but in her own righteousness. She was zealously attached to the Church, as was her father, and a thought of dissenting from it never crossed her…
The Life And Ministry Of George Drake
We give a few particulars respecting the illness and death of our dear departed minister, Mr. Drake. He had been very unwell for some time, but was taken with a severe bilious attack and much sickness, which brought on extreme weakness; and from this he never recovered. He continued preaching up to the first Lord's day in July. On that day he preached in the morning from Phil. 4:19, and in the afternoon administered the ordinance of the Lord's Supper. He got out to the prayer meeting on the Monday evening following, but was not able to come among us after.
The Life And Testimony Of Ann Wiltshire
She was housekeeper to the late Mr. Tiptaft for upwards of thirty years. When Mr. Tiptaft preached his well-known sermon in St. Helen's church, Abingdon, she and her husband left the Church of England. On coming to Abingdon to reside, Mr. Tiptaft took apartments in their house. Mrs. W. sat under his ministry upwards of ten years, without the word taking any effect upon her mind. But when Mr. T. formed his church, and himself and many of the friends were so particularly blessed at the first baptizing, it had such an effect upon her that she became quite a changed woman, and deeply concerned about her soul.
The Life And Testimony Of Agnes Higgons
She burst a blood vessel more than a twelvemonth ago, which much weakened her; but she partially recovered. A few months ago her cough became troublesome, and her strength began gradually to decline. About a week before her death the vessel again gave way quite suddenly, and she was greatly alarmed. I was with her alone, and she implored me, in the most piteous manner, to pray for her. I said, "Try and beg yourself for mercy as long as you have breath." She answered, with the greatest emotion, "I do, I do." I reminded her that the thief upon the cross was pardoned at the eleventh hour. It was a very solemn time, as I feared every moment she might be launched into eternity…