The Life And Testimony Of Ebenezer Marsh
Our esteemed brother Marsh has joined the ranks of "the spirits of just men made perfect." The tongue, so often heard in the Churches magnifying his Lord and Master, lies silent in the grave, and he can no more wield the pen in the behalf of His cause. He has passed for ever from the stage of this world, but his memory is with us still, and these lines are designed to keep that memory in a measure among our readers.
The Life And Death Of Ebenezer Marsh
It is with very great regret, and with feelings of sorrow, which we are sure will be shared by a large number of friends throughout the Churches, that we have to announce the departure of our beloved brother, Mr. Marsh, the greatly-esteemed Editor of this Magazine. After about three months' distressing illness, borne with patience and characteristic cheerfulness, he received the Home-call in the afternoon of Wednesday, October 22nd.
The Life And Testimony Of Elizabeth Jeffries
My dear mother was brought up to attend the Church of England till after her marriage, when she attended and became a member with the Primitive Methodists, and afterwards with the Independents. She was much concerned about her safety in Christ, and was in soul-bondage for many years, not finding amongst those with whom she worshipped the things her soul desired; till on one occasion, when visiting her native village (Alvescott), she heard Mr. Doe, and the Lord blessed her with the assurance that she was interested in "the covenant ordered in all things and sure."
The Life And Testimony Of Nancy Beach
Mrs. Nancy Beach, the beloved wife of the late highly esteemed and God-honoured William Beach, was called to enter into the joy of her Lord early in the morning of June 1st. Her translation to the better country leaves a big gap in spiritual and earthly friendships. She came into the light of this world Dec. 2nd, 1826. Her parents were Christ-illumined people; she was, therefore, a child of much prayer, and it was her father's joy to know that he was the chosen instrument through the Holy Spirit's power of giving serious impressions to his daughter while in communion with the Lord at the family altar. With her parents she attended Rye Lane Chapel, Peckham, and sat under the ministry of the late George…
The Life And Ministry Of William Beach
Yes! It is now the late, for the traveling days of this veteran servant of Christ are done, the battle fought, the victory won, and now he rests “at home.” The summons came on Monday, December 9th, and “Fearless he entered Jordan’s flood, At peace with heaven he closed his eyes; His only trust was Jesus’ blood In sure and certain hope to rise.” For forty years he worshipped with the saints of God at Chelmsford, for twenty of which he filled the office of deacon “well”. A true, devoted servant of his Lord, a liberal supporter of His interest in the earth, a friend to the poor and needy above many, to whom his hand was ever opened by the love of his heart…
John Kershaw: A Preacher Of Grace
Dear Sir, I do not wonder at the strong terms of approval in which you speak of the late Mr. Kershaw's autobiography. I have read it with deepest interest. There is one feature of the work that specially commends itself to my mind; that is, its freedom from rancour and bitterness. Even where he differs, he seeks to concede as much as possible to his opponent, without compromising his own character or principles.