• George Ella's Biographical Sketches

    James Petigru Boyce (1827-1888): The Forgotten Baptist

    When Christian conversation comes round to the topic of Systematic and Historical Theology, everybody seems to have a favourite. The first major theological book I ever owned on the subject was Berkof’s Systematic Theology given to me by my mother almost forty-five years ago. His Historical Theology soon followed. I then read Sheldon, Fisher, Bicknell, Gibson, Griffith Thomas, Dagg, the Hodges, Bavinck, Dabney, Shedd and others whose names I have long forgotten. I never forgot Berkof and still turn to him regularly for guidance. In recent years, however, he has received some earnest competition. In 1998, during a visit to a Founders’ Conference in Mansfield, Texas, I was given a copy of J. P. Boyce’s Abstract of Systematic Theology. When I confessed my ignorance of…

  • Joseph Tanner

    The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Tanner

    For some little time before his last short but severe illness, he had been unusually better in health, and remarked to a dear friend, with whom he was walking from chapel on the last Sunday he ever left his home, how much better and stronger he felt; and his voice in preaching that day was observed to be particularly clear and full. He preached in the morning from Job 5:17, 18. On Tuesday morning, Jan. 22nd, he was seized with his last fatal attack, commencing at first with every symptom of a severe cold and bilious sickness, accompanied by spasmodic pain; but he was able to sit up until evening, when his bed was warmed and he went to it, never more to rise. Having…

  • Richard Healy Snr.

    The Life And Testimony Of Richard Healy Snr.

    Richard Healy, of Ashwell, near Oakham, Rutland, died Nov. 28th, 1863. There having been a brief account of my late dear husband's life and death on the wrapper of the "Gospel Standard" for December, 1863, some may judge this further Obituary not called for; but the solicitations of some with whom he stood in church fellowship to see it in the body of the "Standard," corresponding with my own feelings and wishes, I desire, with godly fear, to give a short memoir of what I know and recollect of his Christian experience, though I have only a very failing memory to help me. Richard Healy was born at Wymondham, Rutland, Nov. 28th, 1798. His parents were members of the Established Church, and his mother very…

  • Polycarp The Bishop

    The Life And Ministry Of Polycarp

    The life of Polycarp, a disciple of St. John, and bishop of Smyrna, a martyr and faithful minister of Jesus Christ. His character was excellent to a very high degree. The Christians of his time speak of him with the greatest respect, declaring that he was adorned with eminent piety, a teacher truly apostolical; and even spoken of by the Gentiles themselves as an eminent teacher and a famous martyr. After having been 86 years a shining ornament of Christianity, he was crowned with martyrdom, by being burnt at Smyrna, aged 100 years.  Polycarp was born towards the latter end of Nero’s reign, that is, about seventy years after the incarnation of our blessed Lord; The place of his birth is not certainly known; some…

  • George Ella's Biographical Sketches,  Selina Hastings

    Selina, Countess Of Huntingdon And Her Connexion

    Lovers of eighteenth century church history will have often come across the name of Lady Huntingdon and the ministry which she founded. Often, however, her name is merely dropped here and there in passing and when more space is afforded her, it is invariably in conjunction with well-known preachers such as Wesley, Doddridge, Whitefield, Toplady, Romaine and Venn. This fact has tended to place her in a subsidiary position in modern research into eighteenth century evangelism and church-growth. This is a pity as the very fact that Lady Huntingdon’s name is associated with nearly every important move of the Spirit in the eighteenth century shows what a great influence she had under God during these times. She thus deserves to be studied as a person…

  • Hannah Jackson

    The Life And Testimony Of Hannah Jackson

    She was one well taught in the things of the kingdom of God. The Lord allotted her great afflictions and great consolations from the time that he called her by grace until he called her out of this time state to join the triumphant, blood-washed throng in glory. The following is copied from some papers found after her death: When I was about eight years of age, I remember having serious thoughts about eternity. I felt I had a soul that must live for ever either in heaven or hell. Young as I was, I used to envy everything that had no soul. I thought if I could leave off telling lies and say my prayers and read the Bible, and do all that is…