• Samuel Lightfoot

    The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Lightfoot

    Our dear friend has left in writing some little account of the dealings of God with him, both providentially and spiritually, from which I shall make some extracts, adding some particulars of his last days, and a few out of the many precious sayings, that fell from his lips during his illness. It appears that in 1818 he came to Stamford to conduct a hair-dressing business for a widow, who had two children. After about twelve months, he married her. She only lived four and a half years afterwards; during which time she gave birth to three children, and after the birth of the last was seized with inflammation of the bowels, and died. It appears that during these years, in which he had much…

  • Stephen Knight

    The Life And Ministry Of Stephen Knight

    He was baptized in the last century, and was afterwards connected with W. Huntington; and being at that time a tailor in Oxford Street, he worked for Mr. H. In conversation with him, he has told me that when the sentence of death was sealed in his conscience he was for some time on the borders of despair, concluding that his case was hopeless. Out of this position the Lord graciously delivered him by a special manifestation of his grace and mercy. He continued to sit under Mr. H. with much soul profit until the death of that distinguished servant of God; and such was the affectionate remembrance he had of his former pastor that his countenance would at once brighten at the mention of…

  • James Kelson

    The Life And Ministry Of James Keslon

    I have heard him say, that when a young man, the Lord in mercy called him by grace, and gave him to see that he was as a lost and helpless sinner in the sight of a holy God. He could no longer join with his fellow-workmen in the follies and pleasures of the world; and this was soon seen by the master and workmen, all of whom joined to persecute him, and the latter tried in various ways to get him to go again with them; but all was in vain. The Lord had begun a good work, and he never did nor ever will leave his dear children, when he puts his fear in the heart, permanently to go on with old sinful…

  • Job Teall

    The Life And Ministry Of Job Teall

    For some time past he had been suffering from excessive nervous debility and an affection of the heart. He felt persuaded in his own mind that his end was drawing nigh, and that it would be sudden; and so it proved. On the morning of the 28th of November, he remarked to the partner of his life, "You will not have to prepare any more breakfasts for me, my dear;" but she, having heard so many similar remarks on former occasions, paid no particular heed to it, attributing it to his nervous debility. He left his dwelling-house during the morning, intending to call upon a Mr. Ratcliffe, a baker, nearly opposite, when he was seen to fall; and upon friends going to his assistance, the…

  • Samuel Slade

    The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Slade

    On October 9th, he met with a few of his fellow-members at a friend's house, and engaged with fervency in prayer for the prosperity of the church of God, more especially for that part with which he was connected. It was thought by those present that it was the last time he would meet with them, for he appeared like a shock of corn ready to be gathered into his garner. I saw him a few days afterwards on his bed, drawing near his end. I said to him, "You can say, 'I know in whom I have believed.'" He was very deaf, and I do not know that he heard what I said; but he took my hand and said, “The Lord has been…

  • Rachel Gadsby (Bibby)

    The Life And Testimony Of Rachel Gadsby (Bibby)

    "I cannot hesitate in saying that I most certainly believe Mrs. Bibby was a dear redeemed child of the covenant; and though she was not enabled to make an open profession of the name of Jesus, she was a pattern to many. I have watched her attentively for the last ten years with peculiar feelings, looking for answers to prayers long filed in Heaven, presented by one who had a father's heart, as also a Christian's, and who was a friend and pastor over the flock at Manchester, and servant of the Most High God. I have often prayed for answers to his prayers; and though this may to some seem strange, nevertheless so it is; and, moreover, I have obtained many