• Thomas Chandler

    The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Chandler

    My dear Sir, I send you a brief account of the departure of our beloved friend, Mr. Thomas Chandler, for many years the honest and faithful minister of Edenbridge. He departed this life Thursday, March the 29th, 1866, in the 69th year of his age. I deeply regret not being able to gather together more of the facts connected with his life; but as he has not left anything behind him in writing, and, true to his usual quiet and retiring character, had forbidden his widow to say anything about his departure beyond that "he is gone to eternal rest," the information I can supply must of necessity be very brief and fragmentary. As far as I can gather, he was called by grace under…

  • Harriet Smith

    The Life And Testimony Of Harriet Smith

    Harriet Smith, the wife of David Smith, of Siddle Hall, Halifax, died Oct. 10th, 1867, in her 48th year, after a long and painful affliction, arising from cancer in the breast. The Lord says, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all." And, truly, her bodily affliction was one of the most trying and painful that can be imagined; but under it all, I never heard her say she had one pain too many; nor did she ever murmur or complain, not even when distracted to such a degree that I thought she would be driven mad. The Lord, in whom she was enabled to put her trust for time and eternity, and in whom she was…

  • George Ella's Biographical Sketches,  John Foxe

    John Foxe (1517-1587): The Acts and Monuments Of The Church

    Born at the birth of the Continental Reformation, one of the most illustrious figures in the English and Continental Reformation is that of John Foxe, the martyrologist. Few Reformers had his overall grasp of Biblical theology and church history and few were as all-round as he in applying Christian virtues to every sphere of everyday life. Foxe was born in Boston, Lincolnshire in 1517, the very year that Luther nailed up his ninety-five theses to the door of Wittenberg’s Schlosskirche. We know little of his family background apart from the fact that his father died when he was an infant and his mother soon remarried. Foxe was tutored by his step-father until he entered Brazennose College, Oxford at the age of sixteen. At this time,…

  • Mr. Gingell

    The Life And Ministry Of Mr. Gingell

    The following was written by himself: "It pleased the Lord to call me by his grace when young, in the year 1828. I went out one Sabbath morning with some companions, walking the fields, fearless and careless of everything. When we had been out half an hour, I heard a voice which spoke to my conscience. I passed on, and said nothing to my companions. I believed then it was a voice from heaven. In about three minutes the same voice spoke again, but rather louder. I did not say anything even then; but I had not gone many yards, before I heard the same voice louder and nearer. Then I said to those with me, ‘I have heard a voice speak to me three…

  • George Kent

    The Life And Ministry Of George Kent

    Death. On January 20th, 1867, George Kent, of St. John's Park, Upper Holloway, in the 62nd year of his age, for many years a deacon of the late Mr. Snorter's church, London. The beloved relict of the above has placed in my hands a few particulars, which, by the blessing of God, may be useful to some of his children. When between 24 and 25 years of age, he was called by sovereign grace. About that time he heard a sermon preached at John Street Chapel, Bedford Row, by the late Mr. J. H. Evans, from Job 23:13, which made a very deep impression upon his mind. And about the same time he had a brother killed by striking his temple, through not sufficiently lowering…