• Job Teall

    The Life And Ministry Of Job Teall

    For some time past he had been suffering from excessive nervous debility and an affection of the heart. He felt persuaded in his own mind that his end was drawing nigh, and that it would be sudden; and so it proved. On the morning of the 28th of November, he remarked to the partner of his life, "You will not have to prepare any more breakfasts for me, my dear;" but she, having heard so many similar remarks on former occasions, paid no particular heed to it, attributing it to his nervous debility. He left his dwelling-house during the morning, intending to call upon a Mr. Ratcliffe, a baker, nearly opposite, when he was seen to fall; and upon friends going to his assistance, the…

  • Samuel Slade

    The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Slade

    On October 9th, he met with a few of his fellow-members at a friend's house, and engaged with fervency in prayer for the prosperity of the church of God, more especially for that part with which he was connected. It was thought by those present that it was the last time he would meet with them, for he appeared like a shock of corn ready to be gathered into his garner. I saw him a few days afterwards on his bed, drawing near his end. I said to him, "You can say, 'I know in whom I have believed.'" He was very deaf, and I do not know that he heard what I said; but he took my hand and said, “The Lord has been…

  • Rachel Gadsby (Bibby)

    The Life And Testimony Of Rachel Gadsby (Bibby)

    "I cannot hesitate in saying that I most certainly believe Mrs. Bibby was a dear redeemed child of the covenant; and though she was not enabled to make an open profession of the name of Jesus, she was a pattern to many. I have watched her attentively for the last ten years with peculiar feelings, looking for answers to prayers long filed in Heaven, presented by one who had a father's heart, as also a Christian's, and who was a friend and pastor over the flock at Manchester, and servant of the Most High God. I have often prayed for answers to his prayers; and though this may to some seem strange, nevertheless so it is; and, moreover, I have obtained many

  • Phebe Gadsby (Hamer)

    The Life And Testimony Of Phebe Gadsby (Hamer)

    Phebe Hamer was the youngest daughter of the late William Gadsby. She was born at Hinckley, Leicestershire, February 26th, 1804. She received only a moderate education, being early required to assist in the house. She was but young when the Lord first laid his hand upon her, convincing her of her sin; and so heavily did this press upon her that, to use her own words, and as is well remembered, she was unable to attend to anything as she ought to have done. She had been one Lord's Day morning standing a long time before the looking-glass, until she was thrown so late that service had commenced before she reached the chapel. Her father's sermon that morning was upon the vanity of this world;…

  • Samuel Oldacre

    The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Oldacre

    He was a sound, experimental preacher, a gospel lover and walker, of a kind, generous disposition, and acceptable and useful to many churches in the neighbourhood where he resided. The following particulars are copied from a memorandum written with his own hand: "It pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb to call me by his grace when I was between 17 and 18 years of age, after a very shameful and wicked act in one of my frolics, as I used to call them, which I forbear to name from its repulsive nature, which brought no small disgrace upon me. The first Sabbath after this occurrence I remained in the house all day till evening, shame keeping me in. I then ventured to…

  • Richard Healy

    The Life And Ministry Of Richard Healy

    It is not needful to give any account of the Lord's early dealings with our departed brother, as he was enabled to fulfil a long-felt desire to do so himself, which will be found in the "Gospel Standard" for Feb. and March, 1866, headed, "I will Sing of Mercy and Judgment." But a few circumstances relating to him may interest those who have read those pieces, and who felt soul union with him. For some years previous to his marriage, he conducted a farm at A., for his grandfather, in which he probably might have remained the tenant ultimately, had not the grace of God been made manifest in his soul, causing a separating change in all things which affected his future life, and bringing…