• Benjamin Ramsbottom

    The Life And Witness Of Benjamin Ashworth Ramsbottom

    Benjamin Ramsbottom was born in the industrial town of Haslingden, among the hills and moors of Lancashire, in April 1929. It was here that he heard the three great calls of his Lord and Master: his call by grace in the 1940s; the call to the gospel ministry in the 1950s; and, in the 1960s, the call to the long and fruitful pastorate at Luton – a call which took him away from his beloved Lancashire. He was brought up to attend Cave Adullam Chapel in Haslingden. He enjoyed helping his grandfather in the chores around chapel, and from the age of nine played the organ for public worship. “I had a natural interest in the services of the house of God but, as I…

  • William Ferris

    Lines Addressed To Mr. William Ferris

    Thanksgivings to our gracious Lord  Who sent thee forth to preach his word,  Who made thee faithful, made thee bold  His glorious gospel to unfold. Who, out of weakness, makes thee strong  To speed the gospel plough along; Who richly still supplies thy need, His weary saints to tend and feed. Dear man of God! we love thee well,  Yea, more than many words can tell;  'Tis for thy Master's sake we love,  Which does our heavenly calling prove. Oft, when we meet for praise and prayer, 

  • William Ferris

    The Life And Death Of William Ferris

    The Life And Death Of William Ferris, For Over 60 Years Minister Of The Gospel And For The Last 16 Years Pastors Of Salem Chapel, Landport, Portsmouth, Who Died On April 6th, 1887, In The 85th Year Of His Age. My beloved husband was born at Seagery, Wilts, on June 16th, 1802. When he was three months of age his parents removed to Christian Malford. His father being a godly man, he was brought up under the sound of the truth, and when quite a boy had such strong convictions of sin as sometimes to prevent him closing his eyes in sleep for fear of waking in hell; and often when in chapel he would make promises to be good; but, alas! they were quickly…

  • Phebe Ferris

    The Life And Testimony Of Phebe Ferris

    The subject of this notice was made to feel her state as a sinner before God when about 18 years of age. Her convictions were so severe that she feared to go to bed, and her father used to sit up with her, trying to console her by reading to her the word of God, and telling her that the Lord saved sinners. She subsequently became a close searcher into the truths of the gospel, and saw clearly the blessed doctrines of grace, in due time receiving drops and sips from the ocean of eternal love sufficient to constrain her heart to assemble with the people of God at all opportunities, which she esteemed a great privilege up to the time of her death. The…

  • Mr. Horbury

    The Life And Ministry Of Mr. Horbury

    Mr. Horbury, Pastor Of The Islington Particular Baptist Chapel, Blackburn In the month of January, 1859, the deceased had the first attack of paralysis, but was still able to attend to his ministerial duties. He, however, gradually got worse, and had another stroke in February, 1861, which affected him in a much greater degree than the first. He was greatly reduced in strength throughout his whole system, but more especially on the right side, his arm and leg on that side being paralysed; and, after a time, it was with difficulty he could cross the house with a crutch and a walking-stick. A few members of the church wished him to speak a little, and in the following June he complied with their request; but…

  • John Kemp

    The Life And Death Of John Kemp

    Death. Mr. John Kemp, Pastor of "Ebenezer" chapel, Bounds Cross, Biddenden, entered into his eternal rest, on October 22,1932, aged 82 years. During the painful affliction which confined him to his bed for about 13 months, he was kept very patient, and often spoke with tender appreciation of the constant and devoted nursing of his beloved wife. In regard to spiritual things, he did not speak for the sake of talking; and some of his friends were surprised he said so little, but when he did speak it was with emphasis and feeling.