The Life And Testimony Of F. M. Isbell (Philpot)
Death. On Aug. 11th, aged 73, Mrs. Isbell, widow of the late Mr. Isbell, minister of the gospel, and sister to the late Mr. Philpot. For a long time previous to her death she was afflicted with paralysis, which, towards the close of her life, rendered her as helpless as a child. Her end had been looked for, by her most intimate friends, a considerable time before that of her beloved brother, and it has been surprising to all who knew her that she should have lingered so long. She appeared perfectly conscious up to the last moment, and said to her friend Miss L., "I am dying!" Miss L. replied, "You are falling asleep." She said, "Yes; I am going to heaven." Her remains…
The True, Proper, And Eternal Sonship Of The Lord Jesus Christ, The Only Begotten Son Of God
A controversy concerning the eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ broke out among the Strict and Particular Baptist churches during the 19th century. The orthodox view, set forth by John Gill in his Body of Divinity, and defended by Joseph Philpot in this book, asserts that the second Person of the Godhead is the Son of God in His divine nature, eternally generated by the Father. The erroneous view asserts that the second Person of the Godhead is the Son of God in His human nature only, begotten of the Father at the time of the incarnation. Although the persons holding this view maintain a belief in the TriUnity of the Godhead, yet their denial of the eternal Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ…
The Funeral Sermon Of Thomas Voysey
The removal of a servant of God is a loss extending beyond the family circle and the immediate sphere of labour in which he was found in the service of the King. It has a voice reaching throughout the whole Church of God, and, rightly considered, will humble each believer before Him whose gift the faithful minister and true pastor is. Our dear brother Voysey has gone. The Lord Himself has called him home. Though personally known to but few of you here, he was your pastor's most true and devoted friend, with whom he had walked in unbroken unity for over twenty years. Moreover, he formed, in the providence of God, one of the connecting links which brought about our union today as pastor…
The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Voysey
Our beloved brother was born June 11th, 1849. He was the son of godly parents; a privilege for which he ever blessed the Lord. His beloved mother was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Jas. Jeffs, of blessed memory. She was called to her rest on September 8th, 1871. Her removal was a heavy trial to our dear brother. His beloved father long filled the office of deacon well in the Church at Brentford, where his memory is still fragrant. Our departed brother was the subject of convictions of sin as far back as he could remember. He ever treasured many of those words and sayings of his dear mother, which were as arrows that pierced his soul, and, anon, as balm to heal…
The Life And Death Of Thomas Voysey
It is with unfeigned regret we record the death of our beloved brother Thomas Burness Voysey. Only a short time since he was unanimously elected pastor of the Strict Baptist Church (Mount Ephraim), Margate, but was removed to his heavenly inheritance above ere his acceptance of the sacred office could be publicly recognized. We deeply sympathize with the sorrowing relatives and friends, and especially with the Church and congregation at Margate. Many letters have come to hand from kind friends informing us of the sad and solemn event. The following is a copy of the mourning-card received on going to press—
The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Kemp
Death. On Jan. 2nd, 1870, aged 82, Thomas Kemp, of Pell Green, Wadhurst, a deacon of the church there for between 40 and 50 years. He was a carpenter by trade, and built the chapel there for Mr. Crouch. The people met for a time in Mr. Kemp's house, but the place soon became too small for them. Mr. Kemp said to Mr. Crouch, "When you give me the word, I will build a chapel, and I will never ask you for the money." After many prayers, and many fears on the part of Mr. Crouch, the word was given, and Mr. K. built the chapel on his own ground, in 1826. [The writer does not say, but we presume the chapel was invested in…