A Biography of John Hazelton, by William Styles (Complete), William Styles, A Memoir Of John Hazelton (Complete)
Chapter 9
"We can do nothing against the truth but for the truth."—2 Corinthians 13:6 "Should all the forms that men devise Assault my faith with treach’rous art, I'd call them vanity and lies, And bind the Gospel to my heart." Attention is at this point claimed to a brief and cursory review of some of the more public religious events which transpired during the period to which this and the preceding chapter are devoted. An accurate estimate of the character of a prominent Christian minister is impossible, unless we take into account the spiritual tendencies of his age, the currents of popular thought, the opinions which were then rising into favour or falling into disrepute, and the attitude and conduct of those by whom the professing…
A Biography of John Hazelton, by William Styles (Complete), William Styles, A Memoir Of John Hazelton (Complete)
Chapter 10
The Student—A Retrospect "Give me a Bible in my hand, A heart to read and understand, This sure unerring Word. I'd urge no company to stay, But sit alone from day to day In converse with my Lord.” —Susannah Harrison, altered by David Denham. “A SELF-MADE MAN." Popular as is this phrase, we regard it with great disfavour, judging it to obscure His prerogative who governs all events in heaven and earth according to His sovereign pleasure, and to claim for a creature a power with which his all-wise Creator has not been pleased to invest him, "There's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will." "A man's heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directeth his steps." "There are many…
A Biography of John Hazelton, by William Styles (Complete), William Styles, A Memoir Of John Hazelton (Complete)
Chapter 11
"Patient continuance in well-doing.”—Romans 2:7 The inevitable result of the Norwich Chapel case, was to widen the already existing breach between the Strict and Particular Baptists, and the rest of their denomination. By the latter the issue of the celebrated suit was almost universally regarded as a victory of charity and candour over narrowness and bigotry. Nearly all the public references to the men who had dared the desperate venture expressed the utmost exultation that they had been worsted in the unequal fight. Few appeared to regard their self-denying heroism with any other sentiment than pitying contempt. Men who had secretly desired to introduce a similar innovation in other quarters, but had hitherto lacked the courage of their convictions, now began to wax bolder; and…
A Biography of John Hazelton, by William Styles (Complete), William Styles, A Memoir Of John Hazelton (Complete)
Chapter 12
"His character was marked by great caution and wisdom. Some deemed him too hesitating and slow. Still they generally found that at last he was right, and that the steps he had taken were safe. He was a prudent, and admitting our individual and characteristic infirmities, a truly wise man. He never involved himself in difficulty, or plunged into danger through his imprudence. He always thought much before he decided, and when he moved he felt that his ground was firm. He was cautious in abstaining from everything violent. He was no mere party-man; he never committed himself by any political demonstration, and studiously avoided the arena of warm and angry debate, of violent, of clamorous controversy, He strictly confined himself to his duties as…
A Biography of John Hazelton, by William Styles (Complete), William Styles, A Memoir Of John Hazelton (Complete)
Chapter 13
ANALYTICAL.—THE PREACHER. I would describe him simple, grave, sincere, In doctrine uncorrupt; in language plain, And plain in manner; decent, solemn, chaste, And natural in gesture; much impressed Himself, as conscious of his awful charge. And anxious mainly that the flock he feeds May feel it too; affectionate in look, And tender in address, as well becomes A messenger of grace to guilty men.—Cowper. Nothing was further from the character of John Hazelton than the common ambition to figure as "an all-round man." He had thoughts on politics, and deemed it right for a Christian to vote according to his convictions, but he attended no meetings that were not distinctly religious or philanthropical, and he was always silent in public on the questions of the…
A Biography of John Hazelton, by William Styles (Complete), William Styles, A Memoir Of John Hazelton (Complete)
Chapter 14
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee, peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, peace be within thee, because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek thy good."—Psalm 122:6-9 John Hazelton was as remote from the spurious catholicity which acknowledges and receives all professed Christians without inquiry into their faith and practice, as he was free from the bitter sectarianism which cannot acknowledge the existence of spiritual good without the pale of its own communion. He nevertheless at all times manifested a denominational spirit. He loved his own section of the Church with profound affection, identified himself with it with unconcealed satisfaction, rejoiced…