1 A Strict And Particular Baptist Church Organized In The Philippines
Jared and Elna Smith arrived in the Philippines on Wednesday, 16 October 2019. With the blessing of their church in London, England, they have followed the leading of the Lord to pioneer a Strict and Particular Baptist witness in the Philippines. Jared is serving as an Evangelist, in the biblical sense of the office— preaching the gospel, organizing churches and training pastors. This work officially began on Sunday, 20 October, when Jared and Elna organized themselves into a church. On Sunday, 27 October, this church will begin meeting in San Pedro, Laguna, at a property donated by co-laborers in the gospel. However, having not yet visited this head quarters, Jared and Elna met first as a church in Lipa, Batangas. It is here that members…
John Gill: Preserver and Reformer of the Particular Baptists
The Strict Baptist Movement
Gadsby’s Catechism: Preface
William Gadsby loved children which led him to become a strong proponent of Sunday Schools. However, he abhorred the custom of parents and teachers training up children to believe they were Christians without having actually experienced the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. Although he generally assented to the Baptist Catechism (written by Benjamin Keach and published in 1677), he felt there were answers which misled the unbeliever. Gadsby gave an example of this by referring to the 38th question: “What is adoption? Adoption is an act of God's free grace, whereby we are received into the number, and have a right to all the privileges of the sons of God.” He then asserted: “Here the child is taught to consider itself a child of…
John Kershaw (1792-1870) was pastor for fifty-two years of Hope Chapel, Rochdale. He exercised a powerful ministry among his flock, and became an influential preacher across the country. Few ministers remain faithful to a single congregation for an extended period—Kershaw committed himself to the same church he attended as a boy. His autobiography, “Memorials of the Mercies of a Covenant God while Traveling through the Wilderness”, is one of the best written of its genre. The following excerpt from this book (third edition) is selected in order to highlight the joy of those that sat under his ministry. Lines to the Memory of Mr. Kershaw, Fifty-Two Years Pastor of the Church at Hope Chapel, Rochdale, Who Died on the 11th January, 1870, in the 78th…
Chapter 1: Sovereign Grace
“The Dawn of the Reformation” John Wycliff Sending Out A Band Of His Poor Preachers “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.”—Ephesians 2:8,9 In the crowded synagogue of Capernaum the Lord Jesus Christ, addressing many who had eagerly followed Him because of His miracles, declared, “Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto Me, except it were given him of My Father.” Immediately the enmity to the truth of God which is latent in every unrenewed hearted was deeply stirred; for, “From that time many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him.” “Will ye also go away?” was…