2 Examples Of The Gospel Law
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. In our previous study, I tried to answer the question—What Is The Gospel Law? In a nutshell, I believe the gospel law is a living union—the living union of the soul with the Lord Jesus Christ. Now, at the close of last week's study, I mentioned that I wanted to share with you some examples of the gospel law from the Bible, but I realized after I finish last week's teaching, that I failed to tie together two loose ends. So, before we look at some examples, I’d like to review with you the diagram that I presented to you last time. I call it the Framework of Sovereign Grace. And…
1 What Is The Gospel Law?
I’d like to invite you to take your Bible. We're looking at Galatians chapter 6 and I'll be reading for you the second verse. While you're turning there, let me make a comment about the unpolished onscreen notes. If you follow my teaching ministry regularly, you'll know that I have more polished notes than the ones you see on the screen. This week and probably the next three to four weeks after, I’m going to be extremely busy and I just don't have the time to make the regular preparations I usually give to these recorded teachings, and so I've opted to continue using onscreen notes, but I'm afraid you're going to have to put up with my handwritten notes, and I'll be making them…
1 The Doctrines Of Grace Not Dangerous
By the true Christian, all that savours of God must be highly esteemed; but by him, who has only the "form of godliness, while denying the power thereof,” such a religion, as can be taken up and laid down at pleasure, is the only religion either sought after or admired: therefore, the religion of grace being that which forbids "the wise man to glory in his wisdom, or the mighty man to glory in his might, or the rich man to glory in his riches," Jer. 60:24, must be hated by all who are so wise, as to think God the Father's love depends upon their choice; so mighty as to believe God the Son's salvation is made sure by their strength; and so rich,…
Study 1: An Overview Of The Letter And Its Alignment With The Framework Of Sovereign Grace
A commentary styled series of studies which expounds Paul's epistle to the church at Rome, according to its leading structure and against the backdrop of the framework of sovereign grace. For this study, an overview structure for the letter is presented, together with its alignment to the masterplan of God for the ages.
My Review Of Monergism.com’s Earmarks Of “Hyper-Calvinism”
According to the “About Us” page, Monergism.com is: “A subsidiary of the Christian Publication Resource Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Portland, OR, which exists to aid in the growth and maturation of the worldwide Church by making available a wide array of free resources that support the historic, Reformed Christian faith, combat doctrinal error, and stir the flame of devotion which a right knowledge of the Savior must produce. It serves as a clearinghouse of electronic media addressing all aspects of the Christian faith from a historic, Reformed perspective; it is also a community weblog providing regular devotional and expositional thoughts which highlights various resources and ministries, with contributors from a variety of backgrounds who all share a solidarity in the Reformed faith.”…
Dealing With Birds Of False Feathers
Dear Friends, The two letters copied below were written in response to charges of Antinomianism, Hyper-Calvinism and false analyses of Fullerism coming from the Founders Journal and their supporters. These accusations were never justified and made by people who did not know me from Adam and had not read my books. One particular person, now long departed from the Reformed faith he professed then to hold, was giving an after-dinner jocular speech in which I was mentioned disdainfully when he was asked by an unamused table-guest why he condemned me so violently and joked about me so unbrotherly yet did not appear to know what I taught. He received the answer that the speaker did not have to read me to denounce me. The brother…