The Life And Testimony Of Mrs. Ogden
From childhood I had at times fears of going to hell; but as I was brought up in Arminianism, (which had a most hardening effect on my conscience, for from constantly hearing it proclaimed that Jesus stood with open arms ready to receive all that would come unto him, and that all might come if they would,) I thought I…
Responsibilities And Duties: Radical Views Expressed By Sam Waldron And Curt Daniel
Our duty-faith friends tell us that their idea of responsibility is synonymous with their idea of duty. For Curt Daniel for instance, recently interviewed by Sam Waldron, the synonyms of responsibility have remained constant since before the Fall. These are: accountability, obedience, duty, liability, obligation, morality and what he calls ‘oughtness’. These terms according to Daniel depict the natural obligations…
The Life And Testimony Of Isabella Prentice
I knew the subject of the present Obituary very well, as she was not only a member of my church at Stamford, but, previously to her marriage, lived in my service as cook for about six years; and therefore from my personal knowledge of her, and having heard from her own lips much of her own experience, I can so…
The Gratitude Of A Wayward Daughter
Gospel Standard 1869: A Correspondence Between A Daughter And Her Parents The following letters will speak for themselves. The first was written by the daughter of Mr. Scandrett, for many years pastor of the Strict Baptist church at Godmanchester, and the two others are the answers to it from her parents: A Letter By F. Moss (Scandrett) To Her Father…
The Life And Testimony Of H. Scandrett
Some of the readers of the "Gospel Standard" knew and heard the late Mr. Scandrett, who was for many years the beloved pastor of the church of Christ at Godmanchester, and to them it will be interesting to learn a few particulars of the experience and death of his aged widow, who departed this life on the 25th of August,…
The Life And Ministry Of William Scandrett
We are favored with a copy of a neat pamphlet just written by our Christian and ministerial brother, Thomas Jones, of Dacre Park, Blackheath, entitled—“Jubilee Jottings. A Retrospect of the Past. An Ebenezer of Praise. Passages in the History of the Baptist Church at Sible Hedingham, Essex.” The profits of this little fourpenny book (if there be any) are to…