• George Drake

    The Church, The Garden Of The Lord

    By the garden here spoken of we are to understand the Church of Christ, which is represented in the word of God by several different figures. It is spoken of under the figure of a wife: "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with…

  • George Drake

    The Life And Ministry Of George Drake

    We give a few particulars respecting the illness and death of our dear departed minister, Mr. Drake. He had been very unwell for some time, but was taken with a severe bilious attack and much sickness, which brought on extreme weakness; and from this he never recovered. He continued preaching up to the first Lord's day in July. On that…

  • Ann Wiltshire

    The Life And Testimony Of Ann Wiltshire

    She was housekeeper to the late Mr. Tiptaft for upwards of thirty years. When Mr. Tiptaft preached his well-known sermon in St. Helen's church, Abingdon, she and her husband left the Church of England. On coming to Abingdon to reside, Mr. Tiptaft took apartments in their house. Mrs. W. sat under his ministry upwards of ten years, without the word…

  • Agnes Higgons

    The Life And Testimony Of Agnes Higgons

    She burst a blood vessel more than a twelvemonth ago, which much weakened her; but she partially recovered. A few months ago her cough became troublesome, and her strength began gradually to decline. About a week before her death the vessel again gave way quite suddenly, and she was greatly alarmed. I was with her alone, and she implored me,…

  • Mr. Higgons

    The Life And Testimony Of Mr. Higgons

    "I have heard him say that he lived very comfortably with his wife until the Lord called him by grace; then she was permitted to persecute him in various ways. She told him he would bring her and the children to poverty. He was compelled to leave the Church of England, being seized with great terror the last time he…