The Life And Testimony Of Ebenezer Marsh
Our esteemed brother Marsh has joined the ranks of "the spirits of just men made perfect." The tongue, so often heard in the Churches magnifying his Lord and Master, lies silent in the grave, and he can no more wield the pen in the behalf of His cause. He has passed for ever from the stage of this world, but…
The Life And Death Of Ebenezer Marsh
It is with very great regret, and with feelings of sorrow, which we are sure will be shared by a large number of friends throughout the Churches, that we have to announce the departure of our beloved brother, Mr. Marsh, the greatly-esteemed Editor of this Magazine. After about three months' distressing illness, borne with patience and characteristic cheerfulness, he received…
He Also Did Predestinate
We learned last week that God foreknew a people from eternity whom He determined, lovingly, wisely and unconditionally to honour and bless with glory and eternal life. We noted God’s foreknowledge is personal and distinguishing. It is not what but whom He did foreknow. These individuals are saved and called, Paul tells Timothy, ‘according to his (God’s) own purpose and…
House Churches And The Expediency Of Online Services
There are many of the Lord's people who are "scattered upon the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd." Some are alone and isolated. Others live near each other, but cannot find a local church to join. In time, these poor dejected souls become accustomed to their deprivation of church life, landing them in a dry and thirsty land, surviving…
The Compatibility Of Peace And Tribulation
Such is Christ’s legacy to all his brethren; peace in him, tribulation in the world. Every disciple shall receive these bequests. The former, a God of truth and faithfulness is engaged by promise and oath to give. The latter, from the world, the flesh, and the devil, every follower of Jesus will be sure to receive. But alas, how apt…
The Word Was Made Flesh
When the Lord gave Lamech a son, he called his name Noah, which signifies repose or consolation; and he said, ‘This same shall comfort us concerning the work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed.’ Gen. 5:29. Noah was an eminent type of Jesus. Every sinner, who is poor, and made low, as…