The Life And Ministry Of Arthur Triggs
Mr. Triggs, whose portrait accompanies our present Number, was born at Kingston, in Devonshire, in the year 1787, and first entered the ministry in 1817. For the last fifteen or sixteen years he has laboured over a church at Plymouth. From his very interesting book, entitled, “A Memorial of the Loving-kindnesses, Tender Mercies, and Sovereign Grace, of the Lord God…
The Life And Legacy Of William Nunn
The Rev. William Nunn, the beloved and regretted minister of St. Clement’s Church, Manchester, was born May 13th, 1786, at Colchester, in Essex. He came into this world of sin and misery a weak and tender infant; for the first two or three years of his life he was so much afflicted, that it was frequently thought he was dead…
The Second Letter Of Paul To Timothy
I believe the second letter of Paul to Timothy was written in the year 67AD, making it the last of his fourteen epistles. The chart below provides a bird’s-eye view of the chronological order for the books of the New Testament. John Gill, “Commentary On The New Testament Scriptures”: “That this epistle was written to Timothy, while he was at…
Ruth’s Faith
Seek Ye The LORD
In chapter 53 we were taught about the person of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and how He represented, suffered and died for His people. In Ch. 54 we learned that Christ’s reward was His Bride and of the success and enlargement of the church of whom it had been said, in Ch. 52, ‘all the nations; and all the ends…
The Life And Ministry Of John Warburton
Within the pages of the Gospel Magazine have already appeared the names of men of loftiest human intellect and attainments, as well as of a high standard in their vindication of the doctrines of the full and free distinguishing and unmerited grace of our Triune Jehovah. But the subject of our present sketch is quite another order of being; instead…