Selina, Countess Of Huntingdon And Her Connexion
Lovers of eighteenth century church history will have often come across the name of Lady Huntingdon and the ministry which she founded. Often, however, her name is merely dropped here and there in passing and when more space is afforded her, it is invariably in conjunction with well-known preachers such as Wesley, Doddridge, Whitefield, Toplady, Romaine and Venn. This fact…
Providence And grace
My Beloved Brethren:—Our God is the God of Providence, as he is the God of grace. His revealed word of truth in the Bible abundantly shows this, and it is also fully confirmed and clearly seen in his works of creation. For in all the universe of created existence and being infinite intelligence presides and omnipotent power controls, subjecting all…
The Life And Ministry Of Nicholas Ridley
Nicholas Ridley has rightly been regarded by Christian readers throughout the centuries as a pioneer of reformation and renewal in the Church of Christ and one who defied intense persecution and death rather than betray his Lord. Though Ridley came from a long line of noblemen and Reformers, Ridley’s kinsman and biographer says of him, ‘Descended from this ancient stock,…
Beloved Brethren:—Predestination is a prerogative of all intelligent beings, and God possesses it pre-eminently and infinitely, because he is infinite in all his perfections or attributes, while all others are finite and limited. But the Almighty is unlimited. These are primary and self-evident truths. It would be impious folly in a creature to try to limit the infinite Creator. Speak…
A Farewell Sermon
It is needful, in order to observe the scope of our text, that we read it in its connection, from the 19th verse of the chapter, and particularly the preceding clause of the verse which contains our text, "They sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch. Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of…
The Power Of God Manifested In And By His Word
God has ordained His Word to be preached; His mind and will, as a God of justice and of grace, to be made known unto the sons of men. A standing ministry will be in the Church until the elect are gathered in and brought to a knowledge of Christ, and to a knowledge of their glorious privilege in Christ:…