• George Ella on Doctrinal Matters

    Redemption Secured And Applied: As Seen By John Gill

    Nowadays many Christians speak of a redemption which Christ accomplished theoretically for all but which worked out practically only for a few. This would seem like a great waste of divine energy – if it were true. Fancy preaching on a redemption accomplished but not applied. What a false gospel that would be! We rarely meet up with Absolute Universalism…

  • Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg,  George Ella's Biographical Sketches

    The Life And Ministry Of Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg

    One often reads in popular works and even in doctoral theses that Englishman William Carey founded the first Protestant Mission in the non-English speaking world on behalf of the Particular Baptist Missionary Society. Actually, the Baptists were rather late in discovering the world-wide mission field as Lutherans, Church of England and Independent missionary enterprises beat the Baptists by over a…

  • Mary Harris

    The Life And Testimony Of Mary Harris

    Mary Harris was for many years a consistent member of the Particular Baptist Church, meeting at Providence Chapel in the above town. Naturally of an amiable disposition, and humbled by grace, she was much loved and respected by all who knew her, and particularly by Christian friends. She was truly poor in spirit, and one who hungered and thirsted after…

  • Joshua Tuckwell

    The Life And Testimony Of Joshua Tuckwell

    There are few things more sensibly felt, as we advance in life, than the departure, one by one, of dear and esteemed friends; and though every such removal is a loud, personal, and repeated warning to us that we too shall soon be numbered with them, yet we do not less painfully feel that in this world we shall see…

  • W. Brown

    The Life And Testimony Of William Brown

    "From a child I knew myself to be a sinner, but for a year or two, I felt myself to be one. I knew that if I died, I must go to hell; but these convictions came and went off again, and my principal prayer was, ‘O God, create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within…