• Stephen Knight

    The Life And Ministry Of Stephen Knight

    He was baptized in the last century, and was afterwards connected with W. Huntington; and being at that time a tailor in Oxford Street, he worked for Mr. H. In conversation with him, he has told me that when the sentence of death was sealed in his conscience he was for some time on the borders of despair, concluding that…

  • George Ella's Biographical Sketches

    Anne Bradstreet: Poet of Purity

    It is an ancient maxim in literary criticism that all poets are liars and poetry provides an escape from the humdrum reality of life into the fantasies of Never-Never Land. Such critics have obviously not studied Anne Bradstreet who ranks with Milton, Herbert and Cowper as a poet of pure joy in contemplating God’s amazing grace vouchsafed to believers in…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues,  Paul The Apostle

    The First Letter Of Paul To The Churches At Thessalonica

    I believe the first letter of Paul to the churches at Thessalonica was written between the years 52,53AD, making it the first of his fourteen epistles. The chart below provides a bird’s-eye view of the chronological order for the books of the New Testament. John Gill, “Commentary On The New Testament Scriptures”: “Thessalonica was a very large, populous, and flourishing…

  • James Kelson

    The Life And Ministry Of James Keslon

    I have heard him say, that when a young man, the Lord in mercy called him by grace, and gave him to see that he was as a lost and helpless sinner in the sight of a holy God. He could no longer join with his fellow-workmen in the follies and pleasures of the world; and this was soon seen…