The Life And Ministry Of George Kent
Death. On January 20th, 1867, George Kent, of St. John's Park, Upper Holloway, in the 62nd year of his age, for many years a deacon of the late Mr. Snorter's church, London. The beloved relict of the above has placed in my hands a few particulars, which, by the blessing of God, may be useful to some of his children.…
John Chamberlain: And His Exemplary Missionary Success In India
Baptist missionary John Chamberlain (1777-1821) and his wife were called to India before the Baptist Mission Society (BMS) there had been able to organise itself for practical missionary work. There had thus been very few converts prior to their arrival, especially compared with the work of former and contemporary missionaries in India which very quickly gained true converts in large…
The Acts Of The Apostles And The Multiplication Of Churches
This historic record of the growth and expansion of the early churches was written by Luke. As a companion of the Apostle Paul during his evangelistic campaigns, he was an eye witness to many of the events recounted in the book. If his first book (Gospel Narrative) may be considered “volume 1”, recounting the earthly ministry of Christ when organizing…
God Calls Samuel
The Redeemer Shall Come
The opening verse of this chapter is for saints who feel forgotten and unnoticed. Hold on in hope to God’s promises even when the Lord seems far away. Persevere in prayer even when His responses seem delayed. The Lord loves us, His people, and whether we see immediate evidence for it or not, He is actively caring for His little…
God’s Presence In Difficulty