• Benjamin Ramsbottom

    The Everlasting Covenant

    In past years this was one of the favourite texts in our chapels. Actually, it was the text preached from at my own baptism. The old, godly people used to quote it in prayer, and they used to cling to it, that “everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure.” But at one time, the preaching of the everlasting covenant…

  • William Kern

    The Life And Death Of William Kern

    The long and faithful work of our beloved pastor, Mr. W. Kern, was brought to a close early on the morning of Friday, Feb. 6th, when he peacefully passed away to his eternal rest. He was born at Wonersh, Surrey, in 1836, where he resided for several years. His first pastorate was at Guildford, in the near neighborhood of his…

  • William Mason

    Acknowledging Jesus, The Son Of God

    If so, we cannot pay too much homage, nor ascribe too much glory to Jesus, as some object. Did Jesus receive from God the Father, honour and glory, by this voice from the excellent glory, ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased?’ 2 Pet. 1:17. Is it the Father’s will that all men should honour the…

  • George Keeble

    The Life And Death Of George Keeble

    Last Days And Hours Of George Keeble, Minister Of The Gospel, Lately Residing At Peterborough. In writing a few lines, giving particulars of my dear father's last days and hours on earth, it is with the sincere desire that under whose eye they may come, the same may be, in the Lord's hand, an encouragement to those in the path…

  • William Mason

    Suffering Loss By Conferring With Flesh And Blood

    How eminent did the grace of God shine in the conduct of Levi, when the glory of Jehovah was at stake, when his honour was to be vindicated against those who had sinned with a high hand. ‘He said to his father and mother, I have not seen him.’ That is, no one that mine eye shall pity, nor my…