The Sword Of The Spirit
The sword is a weapon of war, to be used offensively and defensively; but it must be a poor religion that requires the power of the sword to support it. Here Popery excels in transgression. What is that religion that men are compelled to embrace by the civil power? Hypocrisy and nothing less. How can that be the free choice…
The Life And Death Of George Isbell
Died. At Bath, on March 6th, aged 45, deeply regretted by his attached congregation, MR. G. S. B. Isbell, minister of the gospel at Bethesda Chapel, Bath, after an illness of about four weeks. On Lord's Day evening, February 5th, he spoke from the words, "Behold the Lamb of God,” with much unction, but with evident difficulty from illness. He…
Fear Thou Not, Distressed Believer
The Apostle Paul instructed the believers at Colosse to teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. That is what I hope to do by explaining the meaning of this hymn, against the backdrop of the Framework of Sovereign Grace.
37 An Examination Of Gill’s Goat Yard Declaration Of Faith (1729)
I would like to welcome you back to another study in Bible Doctrine. In our previous study, I laid out for you a historic backdrop to Gill’s Goat Yard Declaration. For this study, I would like to look at the document itself. However, it seems appropriate, given the fact that the Declaration was designed for a single congregation, that we…
Mr. Huntington’s Dying Testimony To The Power Of Vital Godliness
Dear Brother in the Lord Jesus Christ,—I am come at last, according to my promise, which ought to have been fulfilled before. But, alas! I have sometimes leisure upon my hands, but no heart to work; no oil in my cruse, no spring in my well, no overflowings in my cup. At other times the wind blows, the spices flow…
Called By A New Name
Suppose we lived in Isaiah’s day. What outward factors and conditions would contribute to our comfort and peace? What circumstances might indicate temporal blessing and prosperity? Living in a fortified and gated city, perhaps, protected by armed guards. Fertile fields close by with fruitful vineyards to provide supplies of food and wine. An honourable reputation, strong, local alliances and proven…