• AHB Worship Services,  Jared Smith's Online Worship Services,  Jared Smith's Sermons,  Jared Smith's Studies In Genesis

    The Central Message Of The Bible

    God administers a grace unto creation which extends to the entire human race. He also administers a grace unto salvation which extends only to the elect. This grace unto salvation is identified in the Bible as the gospel. The gospel has three branches: (1) The electing love of God the Father; (2) The redeeming grace of God the Son; (3)…

  • William Mason

    Enter In At The Strait Gate

    Thou feeble-minded disciple, weak in faith, thy Jesus speaks not thus to discourage thee from seeking salvation by him only; for he also says, ‘Every one that seeketh findeth.’ But rather he hereby animates and encourages thy soul in striving against every enemy that opposeth thy entering his kingdom by the strait gate, even by his one atonement, and one…

  • William Mason

    That I May Win Christ

    No sooner had good king Hezekiah established his throne in righteousness, restored religion in his kingdom, set his whole heart to serve the Lord, and his God prospered him, but an invading Sennacherib enters his territories, and encamps against his fenced cities. 2 Chron. 32:1. Scripture and experience daily preach to God’s children, ‘This is not your rest;’ you are…

  • Gerald Buss

    I Have Enough

    Two brothers in the flesh are spoken of in our text. In fact, they were both in the womb together. They were twins. But we know that even while they were in the womb, they strove one with another. God gave to Rebekah, their mother, that interpreting word, that the elder (which was Esau) would serve the younger. The early…