• George Cowell

    A Broken And Contrite Heart

    It would be well if the poor Hindoo, who regards penance and self-torture as essential to the attainment of a character of holiness, could be brought to understand that it is a "broken and contrite heart" that is acceptable to God, and not the laceration of the poor body. It would be well if the poor Mahometan, who possesses extreme…

  • John Kay

    The Life And Testimony Of John Kay

    On the wrapper of our last No. we briefly mentioned the decease of our lamented friend and brother, John Kay, well known to most of our readers, and by many of them highly valued as a writer, at various times for many years, in our pages, under the signature of “J. K., Abingdon." As we enjoyed the pleasure of his…

  • Jared Smith's Hymn Studies

    God Moves In A Mysterious Way

    The Apostle Paul instructed the believers at Colosse to teach and admonish one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. That is what I hope to do by explaining the meaning of this hymn, against the backdrop of the Framework of Sovereign Grace.

  • Septimus Sears

    Clean Hands Essential To Communion With God

    Three of the great blessings to be tasted in measure here, and enjoyed immeasurably hereafter, by the saints of God, are salvation, sanctification, and communion. Salvation frees from the damning consequences of sin; sanctification from its domination and pollution; and communion is, getting beyond its hindering power. The first of these blessings is so complete that there is no adding…

  • Mary Churchman

    The Life And Testimony Of Mary Churchman

    "Agreeably to what my parents educated me in I was zealous for the Established Church, thought all fanatics who dissented from it, and had as great an inclination to persecute them as Paul had. As a proof, there layaway through my father's yard for Mrs. M., a godly woman, to go to meeting, which she did every Lord's Day; and…