4 The Spiritual And Perpetual Covenants—Redemption And Works
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. You have your Bible available, I’d like to ask you to open to Amos chapter 3. While you're turning there, let me just make reference to our previous study. I mentioned in the previous study that I might return to the subject of covenants, and in…
The Life And Ministry Of George Warner
We believe he was called by grace when a young man, and attended the ministry of a Mr. Seymour, who was at that time pastor of the church at Grittleton, as we have heard him speak of Mr. Seymour's ministry being blessed to his soul, and know he was deeply attached to him. Mr. S. baptized him; and after Mr.…
Saul Is Crowned King
Behold, There Ariseth A Little Cloud Out Of The Sea, Like A Man’s Hand
What a remarkable man, by grace and grace alone, was Elijah the Tishbite! This man had the immediate ear of almighty God in two ways. First, he had His ear as a hearer. Often the Word of the Lord came to Elijah and immediately the dear man obeyed. Friends, where does that leave you and me? The Word of the…
Sanctified By God
The Life And Ministry Of William Collins
On Nov. 22nd, 1860, at Maldon, Essex, fell asleep in Jesus, William Collins, 53 years a minister of the gospel, and in the 91st year of his age. The following letter, written to a friend about two years ago, will supply a few particulars of the work of grace on his heart, and the subsequent acts of sovereign mercy, love,…