13 Israel And The Elect
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We come again to our series of studies on the biblical covenants. In the previous studies, I have given to you my understanding of the biblical covenants and how they're arranged. And now as we come to the tail end of the series, there's a couple…
The Life And Death Of John Kennard
A very brief sketch is here given of the late Mr. J. O. Kennard, who gently fell asleep at 1.25 A.M., on the 30th November, 1891. His memory is dear to many connected with the Churches of truth. As a more detailed sketch of his life may appear next month, it is only necessary at present to say deceased was…
The Good And The Right Way
12 Comparative Views On The New Covenant
I’d like to welcome you back for another study in the Word of God. We come again to the series of studies on the biblical covenants. And for this study I’d like to take a look at some comparative views on the New Covenant. Allow me to begin by reading for you a text of scripture. I've selected Hebrews chapter…
The Faith Once Delivered
An Exhortation To Steadfastness
The Church at Corinth, among many other things, was going through a very testing, trying time. Paul gives a hint of it in writing to his son in the faith, Timothy. There was a man called Hymenaeus, who caused great damage among the Church and the Churches, by suggesting that the resurrection was over and past already, and that there…