• Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    63. Severe Persecutions, A.D. 130

    Severe Persecutions Of The Believers About The Year 130 About this time, writes P. J. Twisck, the instruments of the devil could not invent punishments severe enough, but what they considered the Christians worthy of. For they were watched in their houses as well as without; men cried out against them in all public places; they were scourged, stoned, and…

  • Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    61. Phocas

    Phocus, bishop of Sineppe, thrown into a lime kiln filled with boiling water in Pontus, AD 118 Phocas, Bishop of Pontus, Put To Death In A Lime-Kiln, And In Boiling Water, For The Name Of Jesus Christ, At Sinope, About The Year 118 Phocas, a son of Pamphilius, the first bishop of the church in Pontus in the city of…

  • Thieleman J. Van Braght, Martyrs Mirror

    60. Justus and Pastor

    Justus And Pastor, Slain For The Faith At Complutum, About The Year 116 That Justus and Pastor were deprived of life at Complutum, a city in Spain, for the same reason for which the aforementioned martyrs were slain, namely, for the testimony of Jesus, the Son of God, this we find stated in different ancient writers. See above.