• Gerald Buss

    But He Giveth More Grace

    Martin Luther said that the Epistle of James was the ‘Epistle of Straw.’ In other words, it was not very comfortable to lay down upon. This is true. If you read this epistle from beginning to end, it has some very sharp and pointed things to say about man’s fallen nature, and about those dispositions that fallen nature displays. And,…

  • Robert Pym

    The Life And Ministry Of Robert Pym

    The subject of the following brief memoir was one who lived much alone. He sought retirement, often saying to his friends that he did not wish to become a public character. But during the last few months of his life the Lord so powerfully blessed him that he repeatedly spoke and wrote to those friends who were favoured to have…

  • Benjamin Ramsbottom

    “Even unto Bethlehem”

    This was the most amazing happening since the creation of the world. None can really understand it. “Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness, God was manifest in the flesh” – that He who from everlasting was equal with His Father, true almighty God, should veil His glory, come to this dark, sinful world, be born of a virgin,…

  • Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    Ordained To This Condemnation

    In verse four Jude explains why believers must earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. It is because ungodly men, as tares among the wheat, have slipped undetected into the body of the professing church. Having ingratiated themselves with church members they openly oppose the truth of the gospel. These unnamed deceivers were already at work amongst…