Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow
According to Charles Buck, a doxology is "a hymn used in praise of the Almighty". It is typically sung at the end of corporate worship, before the people of God are dismissed. Some of the points covered in this sermon: • James Montgomery’s appraisal of the hymn • A short sketch of Thomas Ken’s life • The occasion and purpose…
How Oft, Alas, This Wretched Heart
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Highlighting the subject and theme of the hymn—the triumphant recovery of a rescued backslider • Showing where the subject of backsliding fits within the framework of sovereign grace • Explaining the distinction between the twofold nature of a regenerate sinner’s soul • Explaining progressive sanctification and showing why it is…
May The Grace Of Christ, Our Savior
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Highlighting the subject and theme of the hymn—Covenant Blessings, the assurance and joy of the covenant blessings of God and His church • Explaining the meaning and significance of a covenant • Showing how the covenant of works, covenant of grace and a church covenant fit together according to the framework…
My Faith Has Found A Resting Place
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • This hymn is a confession of faith with respect to regenerating and redeeming grace • Explaining the doctrines of redemption and regeneration, using the framework of sovereign grace as a backdrop • The first two stanzas speak of regeneration, whereas the last two stanzas speak of redemption • Stanza 1—God’s work…
Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • This hymn is a petition to the Lord, that He might prepare His people for another journey on their pilgrimage through the world • Explaining what it means to be a stranger and a pilgrim, using the framework of sovereign grace as a backdrop • Each stanza of the hymn highlights…
Historic Divisions
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Underscoring four reasons why a response to Dispensationalism should be given • Highlighting the two principles of interpretation upon which the entire scheme of dispensational teachings is based • Giving special attention to the first principle of interpretation—all history must be interpreted segrementally • Showing why 2 Timothy 2:15, which is…