Death Is No More A Frightful Foe
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Highlighting the subject and theme of the hymn—Death, an encouragement to the Lord’s people in prospect of their departure from this world • Examining the teachings of Philippians 1:21, upon which the hymn is based—“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” • Making three observations…
John Piper has served as the pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota for more than 30 years. In 1994, an organization called “Desiring God” grew out of John’s tape ministry. It is now “an international web ministry with 12,000+ free resources and 3.5+billion monthly users.” Desiring God hosted a conference for pastors in 2007. John Piper spoke on…
1. High-Calvinists Did Not Like George Whitefield, Because He Preached The Gospel?
Speaking of John Wesley and George Whitefield, John Piper points out: “The Particular Baptists did not like either of these evangelical leaders. Wesley was not a Calvinist, and Whitefield’s Calvinism was suspect, to say the least, because of the kind of evangelistic preaching he did. The Particular Baptists spoke derisively of Whitefield’s ‘Arminian dialect’.” One of the leading figures among…
2. As A High-Calvinist, John Gill Was Responsible For Killing A Gospel Spirit Among The Particular Baptists?
John Piper asserts: “Fuller himself certainly saw Gill as a High Calvinist responsible for much of the evangelistic deadness among his fellow Particular Baptists.” There is an article written by George Ella called, “Exaggerated Claims Concerning Andrew Fuller And False Information Regarding ‘High-Calvinists’”. Ella points out: “1795-1835 was a time of widespread revival with Anglican Robert Hawker preaching to…
3. The High-Calvinist Churches Were Lifeless And The Particular Baptists Were Dying?
John Piper points out: “One of Fuller’s critics, John Martin, Pastor at Grafton Street, Westminster wrote, “Sinners in my opinion, are more frequently converted, and believers more commonly edified, by a narrative of facts concerning Jesus Christ, and by a clear, connected statement of the doctrines of grace, and blessings of the gospel, than by all the expectations and…
4. Particular Baptist Hyper-Calvinist Churches Were In Decline During The Seventeenth Century?
In an effort to ‘prove’ the killing effects of High-calvinism, John Piper directs attention to the decline of the Particular Baptist churches between 1718 and 1760: “Fuller, who only knew High Calvinism in his early ministry, said in 1774, “I . . . durst not, for some years, address an invitation to the unconverted to come to Jesus” (Quoted…