2. As A High-Calvinist, John Gill Was Responsible For Killing A Gospel Spirit Among The Particular Baptists?
John Piper asserts: “Fuller himself certainly saw Gill as a High Calvinist responsible for much of the evangelistic deadness among his fellow Particular Baptists.” There is an article written by George Ella called, “Exaggerated Claims Concerning Andrew Fuller And False Information Regarding ‘High-Calvinists’”. Ella points out: “1795-1835 was a time of widespread revival with Anglican Robert Hawker preaching to…
3. The High-Calvinist Churches Were Lifeless And The Particular Baptists Were Dying?
John Piper points out: “One of Fuller’s critics, John Martin, Pastor at Grafton Street, Westminster wrote, “Sinners in my opinion, are more frequently converted, and believers more commonly edified, by a narrative of facts concerning Jesus Christ, and by a clear, connected statement of the doctrines of grace, and blessings of the gospel, than by all the expectations and…
4. Particular Baptist Hyper-Calvinist Churches Were In Decline During The Seventeenth Century?
In an effort to ‘prove’ the killing effects of High-calvinism, John Piper directs attention to the decline of the Particular Baptist churches between 1718 and 1760: “Fuller, who only knew High Calvinism in his early ministry, said in 1774, “I . . . durst not, for some years, address an invitation to the unconverted to come to Jesus” (Quoted…
5. The Atonement Of Christ Is Sufficient In Its Worth To Save The Non-Elect?
John Piper subscribes to the view that the atonement of Christ is sufficient in its worth to save the non-elect, but efficient in its application to save only those who believe. This gobbledygook is derived from the teachings of Andrew Fuller, who sought to retain the free offer of the gospel, while subscribing to the doctrine of Particular Redemption.…
6. It Is The Moral Duty Of All Sinners To Savingly Believe On Christ?
Commenting on Fuller’s doctrine of Duty-Faith, Piper lays the backdrop: “Remember, the objection is: “It is absurd and cruel to require of any man what is beyond his power to perform.” In other words, a man’s inability to believe removes his responsibility to believe (and our duty to command them to believe). In response to this objection, Fuller brings…
7. High-Calvinists Muzzle The Gospel Cry Of The Bride?
John Piper charges the High-Calvinist with “muzzling the gospel cry of the Bride”: “Hyper-Calvinism had muzzled the gospel cry of the Bride (“The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who hears say, ‘Come.’ And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price,” Revelation 22:17).…