• Jared Smith on the Biblical Covenants

    Two Or Three Covenants?

    One of the reasons many Reformed believers assert it is the duty of all sinners to savingly believe on Christ is because they distinguish between the covenant of redemption and the covenant of grace. They believe the covenant of redemption was made between the Father, the Son and the Spirit from eternity, whereas the covenant of grace is made between…

  • Jared Smith's Sermons

    God’s Will For Your Life

    Some of the points covered in this sermon: Exploring the will of God for His regenerate people, as it relates to the practicalities of life, according to the threefold view of life depicted by the Apostle Paul in Colossians 3:1-4 I. The Life That Was—“For ye are dead,” (3a) II. The Life That Now Is (1,2,3b) 1. Its Essence—“and your…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues

    Persuasional Regeneration?

    In an article entitled, “The Need For Persuasion In The Preaching Of The Gospel”, Peter Masters wrote: “The hyper-Calvinist regards the regenerating work of the Spirit as a total and complete work of conversion carried on in the heart by the Spirit in a direct manner...Believing that the whole of regeneration and conversion is accomplished by a direct work of…

  • Jared Smith's Hymn Studies,  William Horne Hymn Studies

    Death Is No More A Frightful Foe

    Some of the points covered in this sermon:   • Highlighting the subject and theme of the hymn—Death, an encouragement to the Lord’s people in prospect of their departure from this world • Examining the teachings of Philippians 1:21, upon which the hymn is based—“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” • Making three observations…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues


      John Piper has served as the pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota for more than 30 years. In 1994, an organization called “Desiring God” grew out of John’s tape ministry. It is now “an international web ministry with 12,000+ free resources and 3.5+billion monthly users.” Desiring God hosted a conference for pastors in 2007. John Piper spoke on…

  • Jared Smith On Various Issues

    1. High-Calvinists Did Not Like George Whitefield, Because He Preached The Gospel?

    Speaking of John Wesley and George Whitefield, John Piper points out: “The Particular Baptists did not like either of these evangelical leaders. Wesley was not a Calvinist, and Whitefield’s Calvinism was suspect, to say the least, because of the kind of evangelistic preaching he did. The Particular Baptists spoke derisively of Whitefield’s ‘Arminian dialect’.” One of the leading figures among…