Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 4
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Bible Reading—explaining God’s purpose for the Jewish people today • Bible Doctrine—explaining how a sinner may be regenerated, yet subscribe to the teachings of Arminianism
Life Before Confession
If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. But before we can so confess our sins, the Holy Spirit must impart life into our souls; for the dead know not anything.
To A Brother Minister
In nearly all the volumes of the “Gospel Standard,” from its commencement in 1835, there are letters or pieces by my father. From 1874 to 1878 there are many relating to the present Gower Street Chapel, and I have also a number in MS. 'If all were put together they would make a large volume. I have however, contented myself…
3 Bible Doctrine – Do These Teachings Originate With Arminius And Calvin?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, we considered the meaning of the labels “Arminianism” and “Calvinism”. I presented to you the five major doctrines each framework of teachings represent—the five points of Arminianism based on the teachings of a Dutch theologian named Jacobus Arminius, and the five points of Calvinism based on the teachings of a…
A Troubler Of Israel
April 30, 1830 My dear Brother, My sermon seems to be received among you much in the same manner as I expected. Nature is the same in Rutland as in Berks. I rejoice to say that the doctrines which I preach receive the very testimony which the gospel always did, and always will. You will find that scarcely three respectable…
3 Bible Reading – The Jews And The Gentiles
A Transcript Of The Video Study As we saw from the previous study, there are three biblical divisions of history, equally divided into 2,000 year time periods. The focal point of the first and last divisions are all the nations of the earth—the word Gentile is used to identify anyone who is not Jewish. Whereas, the focal point of the…