• William Gadsby's Letters (Complete)

    The Blessedness Of An Everlasting Covenant

    My dear Friends in the Lord Jesus Christ,—I received yours. The moment I read it I felt for you, and said, “How true it is that in the world we must have tribulation; but how indescribably blessed it is that in Christ we have peace!”—bless his precious name, peace with God, peace of conscience by faith in his blood and…

  • William Tiptaft's Letters

    Taught Of The Spirit

    March 16, 1830 My dear Brother, I am happy to say that the sermon has been blessed by God in this neighborhood, and consequently has made a very great stir. I received a letter from a poor man at some distance, thanking me for printing the sermon, as it has been a comfort to his soul and to others. Of…

  • Francis Covell Sermons

    The Afflictions Of The Lord’s People

    A Sermon Preached By Francis Covell On Sunday Morning, 2 June 1872, At Croydon "And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the LORD be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath, and for the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, and for the precious things put forth by…

  • William Gadsby's Letters (Complete)

    To A Brother Minister

    In nearly all the volumes of the “Gospel Standard,” from its commencement in 1835, there are letters or pieces by my father. From 1874 to 1878 there are many relating to the present Gower Street Chapel, and I have also a number in MS. 'If all were put together they would make a large volume. I have however, contented myself…