4 Bible Doctrine – Do These Teachings Identify A True Christian?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I drew a sharp line between these two systems of teaching—Arminianism, which is deeply rooted in the philosophy of Humanism; and Calvinism, which is rooted in the sovereign grace of the TriUne Jehovah. Arminianism, as it has its roots in humanism, is the epitome of false religion; whereas Calvinism, as…
4 Bible Reading – Does God Have A Purpose For The Jewish People Today?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I highlighted four reasons why the Jewish people as a nation are the focal point in the Old Testament scriptures: 1. They are the lineage through which the Messiah would be born. 2. They served as the repository for the Old Testament scriptures. 3. They served as a house of…
The Burdened Soul Sustained
A Sermon Preached By John Kershaw At East Street Chapel, Walworth, On April 25th, 1848. "Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee; he will never suffer the righteous to be moved.”—Ps 55:22 Beloved, without taking up any time by way of introductory observations, we will come immediately to the words of our text. And with the…
The Will Of God And The Problem Of Evil
Sunday Schools
Just, before this volume was completed, it was suggested to me that my father's views on Sunday Schools ought not to be omitted. I have, therefore, copied the following from the first number of the Sunday School Visitor, a little magazine published by mc in 1844, and to which my lather was a contributor.—J. G. A Few Thoughts Upon The…
A Future For The Strict Baptists