Duty Faith Denounced
Blessed Brokenness
I Am Pure From The Blood Of All Men
Some of the points covered in this sermon: Many believe the Apostle Paul was “pure from the blood of all men” because he offered the gospel (Free-Offer) to everyone he met and exhorted them to believe on Christ (Duty-Faith). This view is propagated by freewill religionists belonging to the Arminian and Moderate-Calvinist persuasions. This study: (1) Explains the meaning of…
The Two Deeps
My dear Friend,—I am, more or less, living in the engagement of wading into two great deeps, but cannot fathom either of them, and I often think I am a greater bungling fool in the work than ever; I mean the awful deep of sin and the glorious deep of God's matchless grace. O the horrible springing up and belching…
I Write Unto You
There Is The Sign
The late Mr. Hatton related the following, stating that the circumstance was well known to him: Many years ago the late Mr. Gadsby was going into the country to preach, and, as was his wont in his younger days, was walking; when he was joined by a “simple faith” professor: Religion soon became the subject of conversation. Mr. G. maintained…