Comfort Ye My People
It is the preachers’ calling and purpose to comfort and encourage the Lord’s people. Spiritual comfort can be enjoyed only when the Saviour of sinners is lifted up before them in all the fulness of His glorious accomplishments. Courage to stand for truth in this dark and sinful world flows from the settled knowledge of peace and reconciliation with God…
God’s All-Sufficient Grace
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 15
Some of the points covered in this sermon: • Bible Reading—general observations on the book of Job, with particular emphasis on how the people recorded in the book fit within the framework of sovereign grace • Bible Doctrine—examining the way in which Timothy formulated his framework of doctrine, according to the teachings of Paul in 2 Timothy 1:13,14
Here We Stand
New Focus Magazine is purposefully and plainly a sovereign grace publication. We seek with every edition to uphold, explain, promote and preach the message of God’s free grace in Christ and the absolute necessity of divine power to initiate, apply and secure the salvation of sinners. We do not look to man to save himself for we know he cannot.…
The Malady And The Remedy
Dear Friend,—I have no doubt you think it long before I reply to yours; but the fact is, I have felt quite fast in my mind, and have not known what answer to give, for I am not very fit to travel yet. If I possibly can, I should like to comply with your request. If you ask me how…
The Dark Cellar
Go into a close, dark, damp cellar; you can see nothing. But open the shutters. How frightened you are! Toads, spiders, and reptiles of various sorts are there. So with your hearts. You don't see them as they really are until God lets in his light. In our country there is a weed called cadlock; but it never appears on…