• John Kershaw Sermons

    Salvation By Grace

    Substance Of A Sermon Preached By John Kershaw At Zoar Chapel, Great Alie Street, London, On Lord's Day Morning, April 12th, 1846. "For by grace are ye saved, through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast.”—Ephesians 2:8,9 My beloved friends, as we had this precious portion of…

  • James Wells on the Revelation

    2 The Crystal Sea And The Four Living Creatures

    Our theme this evening will be the crystal sea and the four living creatures, as spoken of in the fourth chapter of the Book of Revelation, following our last lecture. First, the crystal sea. You read that “before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal,” because of its clearness. Now this unquestionably has a spiritual meaning;…

  • William Gadsby's Fragments (Complete)

    Odd Sayings

    My dear Friend,—You request me to send you some of Mr. Gadsby's odd sayings. If they are, odd, they are striking, when we consider their spiritual signification. I wish I could send the beautiful truths he conveys in them. He is continually lashing Arminianism. Free-will, he terms a filthy dirty lane, and the poor creatures in it go hobbling along…

  • Jared Smith's Bible Reading

    16 Bible Reading – The Book Of Exodus

    A Transcript Of The Video Study According to the Chronological Chart Of Bible Books, Exodus is the third book to appear on the timeline. We believe it was written by Moses, sometime after the events recorded in the book, which would have been after the year 1491 BC. It is a divinely inspired book. That is, God breathed out His…