The Saviour’s Love
This is a short, solemn, sacred statement of the work of Christ in salvation, the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the reason for it, that His poor, unworthy people might be “saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation.” Beloved friends, the emphasis here is on the Saviour’s love, the greatness of His love, in…
The Life And Ministry Of William Sage
At Bulkington, near Bedworth, on March 15th, 1865, William Sage, aged 62, departed this life. He was for twenty years a member of the church at Bedworth, and ten years clerk and deacon. He was warmly attached to the late Mr. Congreve and a fellow-deacon. Being taught by the same Spirit, having one faith, with one mind they strove together…
Brute Beasts
Jude is continuing his attack on false teachers who have infiltrated the church and who risk polluting the purity of the gospel with their doctrines and practices. Jude is certainly not vague or evasive about his concerns. His language is personal and pointed as he calls down woe on these deceivers. In our verses today the apostle employs another three…
A Book Review: Memorials Of The Late John Warburton
All who cherish the memory of our now glorified friend, Mr. John Warburton, of Southill, will, we are sure, speedily purchase his autobiography just published, and will thank the editor of it, Mr. C. Hemington, of Devizes, for the able and faithful manner in which he has discharged his work. We have perused the volume with much real pleasure and…
The Life And Ministry Of John Warburton Jr.
The Late Mr. John Warburton, Minister Of The Gospel, Southill, Beds. "God hath His mysteries of grace; ways that we cannot tell; He hides them deep as the sacred sleep of him He loved so well." The death of Mr. John Warburton removes from our midst one of the most faithful and laborious Strict and Particular Baptist ministers of this…
Obadiah Dolbey’s Articles Of Faith
I accept the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as a revelation from God concerning Himself, His works, His ways, and as our only infallible rule. That according to the Scriptures, I believe there is only one living and true God, who is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, independent, and immutable; and that of this one God there are three…