• John Hazelton Sermons

    Job’s Faith In The Resurrection

    A Sermon Preached By John Hazelton, At Mount Zion Chapel, Chadwell Street, Clerkenwell, On Lord’s-Day Evening, 14th February, 1875 “Yet in my flesh shall I see God.”—Job 19:26 Job had spiritual breathing times before the throne of God. There were moments in his sufferings, when his spirit was buoyant, and his feelings lively; when his thoughts were carried on high,…

  • George Ella on Doctrinal Matters

    Phil Johnson On Christ Being Made Sin Only Figuratively

    Following Theological Fashions Our modern theology has apparently become a matter of fashions. In my youth, Christians kept to their theological opinions closely. Whether a Plymouth Brother, Particular Baptist, Wesleyan Methodist or an Evangelical Anglican, they remained true to their affiliations all their Christian lives. Nowadays, Christians seem to be changing their theological bent regularly. I have friends who have…

  • Joseph Philpot's Letters

    Spirtual Thiefs And Liars

    April 19th, 1834. My dear Mr. Parry,—Our mutual friend Tiptaft informed me a few days ago of his visit to Allington and of your wish to hear from me. So dark, ignorant, and benighted is my mind, that if I were to give you a view of what is doing in the chambers of imagery, it would afford you but…

  • Jared Smith's Bible Reading

    21 Bible Reading – The Book Of Judges

    A Transcript Of The Video Study According to the Chronological Chart Of Bible Books, Judges is the eighth book which appears on the timeline. We believe portions of it was written by a number of unknown authors, but that it was completed and compiled by Samuel, sometime after Saul had been appointed king of Israel, around the year 1095 BC.…