• Joseph Philpot

    The Life And Death Of Joseph Philpot

    Before this No. of the "Gospel Standard" comes before its readers, the sad tidings will have spread far and wide that he who edited it for upwards of 20 years has been called away from the scene of his labours. His numerous friends, and those who loved and esteemed him for the truth's sake, will be looking for some little…

  • Joseph Philpot

    The Life And Ministry Of Joseph Philpot

    A man of great grace, profound learning, and with a literary style equal to any of his contemporaries. For twenty years he was editor of the "Gospel Standard," in which his New Year's Addresses, Meditations, Reviews, and Answers to Correspondents were outstanding features. His ten volumes of sermons, entitled "The Gospel Pulpit," and his four volumes of "Early Sermons," testify…

  • John Barritt

    The Life And Testimony Of John Barritt

    He was a man well known to many of the lovers of truth in the North, both ministers and people, having been one of the founders of the little cause of truth in the Dove Chapel, Foster Lane, Hebben Bridge. The chapel obtained its name on account of the house having been a place in which doves were previously kept.…

  • Gerald Buss

    He Shall Send His Angel Before Thee

    “He” – that is the Lord God of heaven – “shall send His angel before thee.” And it was that which made the way prosperous for Eliezer in this vital matter which lay upon his shoulders to perform. In the Garden of Eden, the Lord God Almighty instituted three ordinances which are to be observed to the end of time.…

  • Samuel Cozens

    The Life And Ministry Of Samuel Cozens

    Samuel Cozens, Pastor Of Zoar Chapel, Ipswich "I have fought the good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" (2 Tim. 4:7). With feelings of solemn regret we record the almost sudden death from apoplexy of our dear brother, Mr. Samuel Cozens, pastor of Zoar Chapel, David-street, Ipswich. which occurred on Friday, July 1st, 1887, aged…