Precious Death
It is strange to think of death as something precious. Death is our enemy, the wages of sin, the harbinger of sorrow (1 Corinthians 15:26, Romans 6:23, Psalms 166:3). Yet, the Psalmist tells us that the death of a Christian is a precious matter to the Lord. What strength this must give every child of God as they anticipate their…
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 25
Some of the points covered in this sermon: Bible Doctrine. The analogy of a potter and the clay is viewed within the more immediate context of the Father’s electing love, recorded in Romans 9:6-33. A comparison is provided between the structure of the text and the framework of sovereign grace. The Supralapsarian view of the Father’s electing love is held…
Counterfeit Religion
"There is nothing at all beside this manna.”—Numbers 11:6 The Children of Israel, about six weeks after they were brought out of Egypt, were led into the Wilderness of Sin. For a whole month between their resting at Elim and their entry into the Wilderness of Sin we know nothing of their history: but at the end of the full…
John Gill and the Cause of God and Truth
So often when speaking about the work of the Holy Spirit which infused the churches with new life in the 18th century, mention is made of Anglican stalwarts such as Whitefield, Hervey, Toplady and Romaine. The works of these men through God’s sovereign grace cannot be praised enough but the fact that recent biographers have highlighted their activities has tended…
As Your Days, So Shall Your Strength Be
May 2nd, 1831 My dear Brother, I was very glad to hear by your last letter that your wife has safely delivered another son; and I hope that he will prove a blessing to you both. God's mercies have been great and manifold towards you in this life, and I pray that they may not prove snares. The children of…