Christ’s Work As Saviour Within The Covenant Of Grace
God’s Word, the Bible, teaches clearly that all that is necessary for a sinner’s salvation is worked out in eternity and reserved in Heaven for whoever is placed in Christ from eternity. This teaching starts at the first page of Genesis and continues to the last page of Revelation, revealing more and more of the Father’s covenanted way for mankind…
The Goat Yard Declaration of Faith (1729)
A Declaration of the Faith and Practice of the Church of Christ at Horsely-down, under the Pastoral Care of Mr. John Gill, &c. Having been enabled, through divine grace, to give up ourselves to the Lord, and likewise to one another by the will of God; we account it a duty incumbent upon us to make a declaration of our…
An Understanding Heart
That I Might Know Him
The Free, Eternal, Sovereign And Unalterable Love Of God
December 12, 1834. My dear Mrs. Rackham,—Having an opportunity of sending a letter to town, I avail myself of it to redeem my promise of writing to you. You are now, doubtless, thoroughly settled in your new abode, and in some measure reconciled to your mode of life. The noise and bustle of Rochester must have seemed very strange to…
19 Bible Doctrine – How Does Paul’s Analogy Of A Potter And The Clay Fit Within The Context Of Romans 9 As A Whole?
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, we considered the Father’s role in the work of salvation, explained by Paul in Romans 8:28-11:36. You will remember, there are six parts to this section of the letter: In (8:28-39), Paul extols the Father’s eternal blueprint of electing love; in (9:1-5), he confesses his burden for the salvation of…