Asking, Seeking, Knocking
John Gill and His Successors
The witness and teaching of Dr John Gill (1697-1771) so impressed his friends Augustus Toplady and James Hervey that they maintained his work would still be of great importance to future generations. This also became the conviction of John Rippon (1750-1836) and Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892), Gill’s more well-known successors to his pastorate, but it was also the testimony of…
A New Life
Limited Atonement; Precious Redemption
“Easy” Misses The Point
Do you ever feel there is more to the gospel than most people make out? Someone says, “The gospel is easy, all you have to do is believe”. Well that sounds easy. What do I have to believe? “Oh, just believe that Jesus died.” H-okay. Everyone dies – so that’s not hard to believe. Does that make me a Christian?…
Should It Be So?
A Sermon Preached By John E. Hazelton When His Only Son Died, August 1st, 1909 "Should it be according to thy mind?”—Job 34:33 The Book of Leviticus contains a series of very blessed illustrations of the Gospel of our God, of the Person and of the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we are enabled prayerfully to read it…