Wonders Of Grace
The Life And Testimony Of Lady Jane Grey
Daughter of the Marquis of Dorset was by her mother nearly related to the Crown: and she being a religious young lady of very great accomplishments, Edward VI thought of securing the Reformation from impending destruction, therefore appointed her his successor by a Deed of Settlement drawn up by the Judges. She was Queen only nine days, and Princess Marry…
The Life And Ministry Of William Westhorpe
The Lord convinced him of his awful state as a sinner when young, residing at Billericay, in his native county; which convictions never left him finally until he was brought into the liberty of the gospel. A severe thunderstorm taking place at Billericay laid the foundation of his convictions. He became seriously impressed in his mind and dejected in spirit.…
John Gadsby’s Remarks On The Editorship Of The ‘Gospel Standard’ After The Death Of J. C. Philpot
Dear Friends,—Few of you have experienced more changes during the last thirty years than I have experienced, and fewer still have suffered so much from those changes as I have suffered. I have suffered from dangers and perils oft, by sea and land; I have suffered from deep affliction, and have several times, to all human appearance, been at death's…
Sympathy Letters Occasioned By The Death Of Joseph Philpot
Dear Sir, I enclose a letter from the church at Stamford, expressing our sorrow and grief at the death of our late pastor, Mr. J. C. Philpot. The letter was unanimously adopted at a church meeting, held on Wednesday, Jan. 5. It was also decided to have a marble tablet erected in the chapel to his memory. The Lord, whose…
The Funeral Sermon Of Joseph Philpot
It is well known that Mr. Philpot, during his residence at Croydon, frequently attended Mr. Covell's ministry, and sometimes preached for him, and that he was greatly attached to Mr. Covell as a friend. Previous to the service a prayer-meeting was held. Some time before the public service commenced, the chapel was crowded with an expectant congregation, dressed for the…