Second Preface (Date Unkown)
To the Godly in Christ Jesus. Respecting Mr. Hussey’s treatise on God’s Operations of Grace, permit me to say, that in every age Satan has had his engines planted against mount Zion “the church of the living God, the beloved city,” either to distress or to destroy her. Among others, false apostles, false ministers, false doctrines, were none of the…
Principles Of Divine Life
The Free Offer: Biblical and Reformed, By David Silversides (Marpet Press, 2005)
Yet another former sturdy defender of the faith now endorses a deceitful gospel which outclasses the errors of older Liberalism. David Silversides has joined such modern apostles as John and Iain Murray, Malcolm H. Watts, Phillip R. Johnson, Errol Hulse, David Gay and Ken Stebbins in their campaign to alter radically the Christian’s view of God and His Word. Pastor…
25 Bible Reading – Book Of 1 Samuel
A Transcript Of The Video Study In our previous study, I pointed out the remaining thirty books of the Old Testament fit into one of three sections of history—the United Kingdom of Israel, the Divided Kingdom of Israel and the Exile/Return of Judah. The book of 1 Samuel belongs to the first of these time periods, and is the tenth…
First Preface (1792)
The Sovereign love of God the Father, the free gift of his Son Jesus Christ, the saving, irresistible and abiding operations of the Holy Ghost, together with the revelation and application of them to the mind, and consciences of his own elect, and none other, irrespective of any worth, worthiness, state, or condition whatever, are the truths testified and maintained…
Title Page
God's Operations Of Grace But No Offers Of His Grace To which are added two brief treatises. The one about invitation, and the other about exhortation of sinners to come to Christ; both examined and consistently stated with the glory of free grace, to rectify some common and prevailing mistakes in ministers, who now with time, are running in the…