July 26— Morning Devotion
"And there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day."—Genesis 32:24 My soul, here is a lovely portion for the morning. For the morning, did I say? Yea, both for night and morning, and, indeed, until the everlasting morning break in upon thee, and all the shadows of the night flee away. For are not all the…
Evangelizing Or Proselyting?
Arminians evangelize, right? Low-Calvinists evangelize, right? Moderate-Calvinists evangelize, right? Hyper-Calvinists don't evangelize, right? Wrong! The Hyper-Calvinists are the only persons who evangelize. The other groups proselyte. In a recent study on Hyper-Calvinism[1], I distinguished between evangelizing and proselyting. In his book, "Hyper-Calvinism": Is It True?", Stanley Philipps differentiates between the two systems. On page 63, he writes: "(Proselytizing and evangelizing…
July 25—Morning Devotion
"Thou art my hiding-place.”—Psalm 32:7 Yes, dearest Jesus, thou art indeed my hiding place. In every point of view, I desire grace so to behold thee. Surely, from everlasting, in thee, and thy person and righteousness, were all thy redeemed hid in the councils of peace and salvation. And is not every individual hid in thee also, Oh thou glorious…
26 Bible Reading – The Book Of 2 Samuel
A Transcript Of The Video Study This is the twenty-six study in the series, and we are looking at the book of 2 Samuel. As you know, the remaining thirty books of the Old Testament fit into one of three sections of history—the United Kingdom of Israel, the Divided Kingdom of Israel and the Exile/Return of Judah. The book of…
Complete In Christ
Signposts For Your Journey Through The Bible: Part 29
Some of the points covered in this teaching video: • A short review of the book of 1 Samuel • Some basic information about the book of 2 Samuel • An overview of the main structure of the book of 2 Samuel • The testimonies of some of the men and women recorded in the book of 2 Samuel