Funeral Sermon On The Occasion Of John Kershaw’s Death
My Dear Friends,—I stand here to fulfil a promise made to our departed brother, John Kershaw. At his request, I promised that if I outlived him, I would preach a funeral sermon to his memory. This request was first made on or about the 30th of Jan., 1866, and renewed the last time we met before his last affliction. To…
An Appreciation Letter Upon The Death Of John Kershaw
Dear Friends,—I knew Mr. Kershaw for about 32 years, for about 27 intimately. Before I knew him I heard him spoken of as an Antinomian. I at that time was under deep distress of soul from law-work. When I heard him preach for the first time, I had never in my life heard a gospel sermon before. His sermon was…
The Life And Ministry Of John Kershaw
Last month it was our painful duty to announce the death of Mr. Philpot; and this month our pain is renewed by our having to announce the death of Mr. Kershaw. The hope which was raised, by a little improvement in his health, that he might be spared yet a short time longer as a blessing to the churches, though…
The Life And Ministry Of H. F. Doll
Superintendent Of The Strict Baptist Mission In Southern India It affords us very great pleasure to present our readers with a portrait of our highly esteemed brother in Christ, Mr. H. F. Doll, of Madras. The labours of Mr. Doll, during his five weeks’ stay in England, were indeed great, and it is to be hoped that much good fruit…
David Kills Goliath
Are All Things Against You