Ten Arguments For Justification From Eternity
When free-will preachers offer salvation to all they invite an act of faith on the part of the sinner and a life changing ‘decision for Christ’. They deny the sovereign choice of God in salvation, ignore the everlasting covenant of grace and contradict the clear testimony of scripture that the elect are justified from eternity. Here are ten arguments to…
September 1—Morning Devotion
"And his name, through faith in his name, hath made this man strong."—Acts 3:16 My soul, begin this month as the Lord in mercy hath enabled thee to begin some that are past, in taking the name of Jesus for thy theme. Let his name be as ointment poured forth, whose fragrancy shall make thee strong, as it made the…
Reflections On Some Recent Banner Of Truth Criticisms Regarding William Huntington And Avarice
The Banner critics portray Huntington as living like an Eastern Nabob in the lap of luxury. Providence Chapel paid their pastor a salary of £100 per annum at the beginning of his ministry but this was rapidly doubled. This was not an unusual amount. Rowland Hill, the only London pastor who could compete in numbers received half to a third…
Chapter 6: Some Distinct Resolutions Of The Puzzling Question; How Must We Preach The Gospel To Sinners, If We Do Not Offer The Gospel?
I need not speak much by way of recapitulation, having so much to add by way of enlargement. And yet I shall not utterly reject all coincidence neither. Well then, we must preach the Gospel as the things of the Gospel are, and not as the things of the Gospel are not. We must preach the Gospel and lay open…
August 31—Morning Devotion
"One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see."—John 9:25 This is a great thing to say, my soul: on what foundation dost thou rest this knowledge? If the Lord Jesus hath opened thine eyes, then indeed thou canst not but discover thy former blindness; for during that state of nature thou literally couldst discern nothing. And…