The Life And Testimony Of Thomas Jones
I complete my fourscore and three this day. A considerable excess on the years commonly allotted to Adam's children. Moses reckoned the "days of our years as threescore years and ten; and if, by reason of strength, they he fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow" (Psalm 90:10). No doubt this, in the general, describes a protracted life…
The Life And Ministry Of Thomas Jones
Instead of this month continuing (as intended) my notice of more of the godly ministers of past days, I will tell a little of our very old friend, who has just closed a ministry of upwards of sixty years honourably, steadfast in the faith to the end, and extensively useful. Mr. Thomas Jones, of Broseley, Shropshire, who was called home…
“Seek Ye Me, and Ye shall Live”
There are many passages in the Word of God concerning the privilege of seeking the Lord. No doubt you can think of many, many such passages. “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near.” That is one. “It is time to seek the Lord.” That is another. “I said not unto…
And Thou, My Lord, O King, The Eyes Of All Israel Are Upon Thee
The circumstances around these words I have read are very instructive, and, in some respects, very sad. King David was on his death bed. A few days after this, he was called from time into eternity; his journey done. Like the Apostle Paul, David could say: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept…
Reserved In Everlasting Chains
The Lord Looketh On The Heart