• Benjamin Ramsbottom

    The Dying Thief

    Was there ever such a display of the riches of sovereign grace! Nothing but grace reigns here! Man’s merit has no part. Just consider the character of the dying thief. He is described as a malefactor, an evil doer. Whenever I have mentioned the dying thief over the years, and we have had visitors from Holland, they have always been…

  • Peter Meney's Scripture Meditations

    Sanctified By God

    The epistle of Jude is short, sweet and concentrated. There are many beautiful phrases and powerful images contained in this message delivered to the church of Jesus Christ under the apostle’s designation ‘the common salvation’. We shall dwell on some of these in the coming weeks. Jude, or Judas, was one of the Lord’s twelve disciples. He was, it seems,…

  • The Earthen Vessel

    In Defense Of Strict Communion

    Review of a Pamphlet entitled "Seven Reasons for Free Communion at the Table of the Lord, with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity." By Cornelius Elven. With the view of giving our readers at once a fair and a concise view of the positions really assumed by the writer of this "sevenfold" defence of open communion,…

  • Edmund Whitaker

    The Life And Testimony Of Edmund Whitaker

    It is, we believe, about 40 years since he was called by divine grace. For about two years he wandered about from place to place in search of comfort to his sin-burdened soul; but no comfort could he find. At last he heard of Mr. Gadsby being engaged to preach at Rochdale, and felt a resolve to give him a…